Welcome to my AI page!

On monday we first started to play around the idea of artificial intelligence. We did this by trying to create a chatbot, or just a thing where you ask the computer some questions and then it answers them. This is the code to the one I created.

This is my first conversation with my program. I used and infinite loop with the responses inside of it to make it so it keeps asking unless "n" or no is typed. When "n" is typed it ends the loop and prints out "Thank you for coming, Please come again." Although in my conversation it only replied with "it depends" There are other responses that it could've chose from.

This is my not working code for Rock, Paper, Scissors. I can't get it to figure out who wins and i'm not sure why it can't. I'll figure it out later in the class when I learn more.

This is what I have so far for hangman, it is the pictures of the guy that will be used when a wrong letter is guessed.

Today we finished programming our 2 player tic tac toe games. I didn't program a game where the you play the computer.

I couldn't figure out how to do it, The teacher put up the code so everyone who didn't have a working tic tac toe game could have one.

Links to my other works!


Robotics Project!


Programming languages I learned

Server Project!


3D Programming

if you can read this then you are cool