My 3d Page

In order to create moving images like this, you need either three.js or vPython or visual python

If you want to see the JavaScript code for the image use inspect element or the view page source buttons and you will see the javascript. If you want to see a similar python script see the image below.

Sorry Image not found :(

boxx=1: X position of the box

boxy=1: Y position of the box

boxz=1: Z position, or how far away from the origion it is like say the distance between you and the screen.

box(pos = (boxx,boxy,boxz),length=5,height=2,,material=materials.plastic) renders a red box on the screen

while(i < 10000): runs following code 10000 times

rate(60) slows the loop down so user can see the movement of the box

mybox.pos = (boxx+i/2,boxy+i/2,boxz+i/2) mybox starts moving away from people

At first, 3d was hard to make. All because of the MATH. There was SO MUCH of it needed back then!
The biggest problem in making 3d images in computers were the math. If you see my Robotics PageYou will see the code to make a 2d image. I used the brute force matrix translation to create a maze.
Now, with the computers do all the calculations and make cool images like this image below.

This image is made of multiple Objects.

The scene Object creates the black or blank canvas

The camera object allows perspective inside of the canvas.

The renderer allows scene changes very rapidly. You could say FPS.

In order to create objects IN the scene I had to bind 2 objects together: Material and geometry.

var geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( 1, 1, 1 );

var material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: 0x00ff00 } );

var cube = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );


Sketchup is a 3d modelling environment that aims to make 3d modelling simpler. The good thing is, The basics are very simple but when you want do make something more complex like stairs, you have to spend lots of time to do this. I learned How to use a Sketchup ruby API to help make round stairs in my Model.

In order for the users to create clean and professional models of anything, sketch-up allows a drag-and-draw interface to create many different shapes that can be refined to create professional-looking buildings. Sketchup has a huge database of user-posted projects that people can learn from in order to improve or be inspired by those projects.


If you want to see more, See the following links A simple game. and Some planetary stuffs.