

Java, is an Indonisian Island

Java(Programming Language)

If you don't already know, Java, is a computer language. The great thing about Java, is that it runs on all platforms, that support Java. Java was developed in 1991.


Java script is made for visuals.

After playing around with those shapes, I decided to make a face

Next, we made a bouncing ball. We made the ball move, and when it met the edge, it would change direction.

After teaching us about Java basics, Mr Farrell let us explore on our own. I made a program that prints out circles at regular intervals, so that there would be no overlaps. Here is the code.

The code will place down circles, then place down another right next to it. Once it reaches the end of the page, it will go back to the begining, then drop down one level, until the entire page is full of circles.

I also made it so that when you mouse over a circle, it will change the color of the circle. By clicking, you can change the color of the circles that you mouse over.

Today I made a lady bug. Here is the code for all the different parts of the lady bug

This is what my ladybug looks like

After the ladybugs, we moved back to our bouncing ball. We used classes, so that we could have multiple balls, each with differnt properties. The balls will have different sizes, colors, and velocities

Here is what the code makes

Today, we translated one of our programs onto Khan Accademy. To do this, we had to change a few things. When defining variables, we used "var", and for functions, we used var "functionname" = function();, then the function

I translated one of my own programs onto Khan Accademy. My program creates this rainbow pattern.

Rather than showing you pictures, I am able to show the program itself


Made using: Khan Academy Computer Science.

To see this on a larger screen, click here. Rainbow

Today, we made a Mother's Day eCards. Making the heart was really easy. I used two circles and a triangle.

After making the heart, I tried to make the heart follow the mouse. To do so, I made my x variable equalt to the x coordinate of the mouse. Same with the y variable. But when I did so, I got an error.

To get over this, I had to replace my xvariable in my heart function, with mouseX, ot mouseY.

Here is my final Mother's Day eCard. Mother's Day eCard