

Programming Project


On the first day of computer science, we learned about hyper text markup language, which is also known as html. With the knowledge of html, I was able to create the website that you are on now. Here is an in depth look on how the webpage was made.


We learned to programm logo in the logo programming language. Using logo, we can give commands that will make turtles walk. And using different commands, you can actually make the turtles draw geometric figures. One of my favorite drawing, is a fractal tree made of nothing but the letter Y

The equation that I used to make the fractal tree is this one:

The Major Tools of Programming


Comments allow us to add little details onto codes. The computer will ignore the comments and the code will still function normally. The comments allow us to put notes next to the codes. Which comes in handy when you have so many different codes.


The great thing about loops, is that it allows to continually repeat a code, without havig to go through the trouble of inputing the code and pressing over and over.


Varibales are words or letters that represent something else. In logo, a variable typically represents a number. Variables are helpful when you want to have control over a certain aspect of a code.


Functions help to shorten and organize codes. One great thing about functions, is that you can put them inside of other functions.

Turtle Colony

On Wednesday, we created our own turtle colony. The turtles were able to eat, lose and gain energy, make more turtles, and even die. We were also able to grow the grass and control the growth rate of the grass. Here is my turtle colony.

I made it so the grass grew immediatly after the grass was eaten by the turtles, and that is why there are so many turtles in my colony. The constant grass growth made it so that the turtles had a constant amount of energy, which allowed them to reproduce more, and also made it less likely to die from hunger.

The codes I used to make my turtle colony were these codes:

I was even able to create a graph that showed he number of trutles over time. The turtles were catagorized by color in the graph.

The X-axis represents how much time has passed. The Y-axis represents the number of turtles of that color.
