Processing Page

Today we made a happy face and a house.

The happy face that I made as can see one of the eyes is not filled will color.I don't know how to change that.

We learned how to make a function below.

Recap Of The Weeks

What I learned in the 8 weeks of computer science is.
I did not know how to make a web page.I thought that it was very hard to make web page but I found that it was easy to make.
I did not know how to make games.I thought that the making a game was hard and I was right but it feels good to look at the ending product.
I did not know how to make a robot do stuff and now I do.
I never seen the in side of a server or now the part of a server.Now I can find the parts.
I also did not know how to make the AI play a game with you.
I learned how to make shape in the python amd how to use python.
