3D Programming

  • Server Project
  • Troubleshooting
  • Computer Programming
  • Python
  • Games
  • Robotics
  • Circuits
  • AI Programming
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  • I tried to make a game where you could fly around on a dragon. I was not able to complete it but here is the code i did to introduce it and position the camera.

    Here is a picture of it in motion.

    Today we played around with Google Sketchup and I was trying to build a house here is what I built.

    Now I have finished my houses garage and added a path here what it ended up look like.

    I then attempted to make a paper airplane but I totally failed.

    Today we worked with visual python also known as Vidle. Our challenge was to program to spheres to act as the sun and the earth and change their color, appearance, and size to make them fit the roles and then have the earth orbit the sun. her is the code i used to make that happen.

    The hardest part was getting the the velocity of the earth and the gravity of the sun to even out so you got a realistic looking orbit. here is what my orbit looked like when I finally got the code just right.