
This is what I learned on Tuesday.

Today, I learned that Logo was made by MIT.
I also learned how to make a square on Scratch. I turned that square to loop into a circle.
I also made the squares to loop into a spiral!

This is what I learned on Wednesday!


Looping is when something does the same thing over and over again.
Looping is extremely useful if you want the item to keep going.

This is an example of Looping:


Use variables when you want to change the value of a number.


Conditionals are when you make anything interact with another object. For example, today I made a pong-like game on Scratch.


Functions are used for organizing codes.

These are examples of Functions

I also made a spiral!

Math Functions

On Thursday we learned how to do math equations on Logo.

This is the code I put in for the math equation to work.

On Friday, we used a function to make a tree.
This is the coding:

Instead of this code, we decided to shorten it.

This is how the tree turned out!


On September 10th, we used Python to code. We used Python to code a binary code and a decimal code.
This is the binary code, but it did not work.

This is the decimal code, and it did work!

This is how it turned out!

On Thursday of the second week, we made a triangle on Logo.

We later turned the triangle to nested triangle.

This is the code we put for these two triangles to work.

On Friday, we made a circle that spiraled on both Scratch and Python.

This is the Scratch version.

This is the Python version.

On Friday, November 7, we made a quiz. Wanna take it?

On January 21, we made code to help us find the area of a rectangle. This is the code!
