2D Games



Move the paddle by moving your mouse up and down. Stop the game by clicking on the red stop sign in the top right corner

I made the game pong in Scratch. Scratch an app where you can program your own interactive stories, games, and animations inside the game, then share your creations with others in the online community. I made this pong game for the player vs. the computer, this means I had to make an AI for the pong paddle on the right side of the screen. I also had to program the object in the middle to bounce off the paddles and walls.


Move the spaceship by moving your mouse up and down. Stop the game by clicking on the red stop sign in the top right corner

I made a game where you are a spaceship and you try to avoid the asteroids coming at you. The asteroid speeds up whenever it re-spawns and it keeps getting faster until you die.


This is the code for the frog sprite and it says how if the frog touches any of the car sprites then it changes to the death costume and then re-spawns taking a life away


This is the actual game

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