3D Programming

3D Programming


In week 5, we worked on creating 3d graphics. The first day we used Alice:

In Alice, we were able to place people and items, move the camera around them, and make them move. Most people created short videos, but I created a little game:

In my game, you would play as a bikerider going through a street covered with walls and have to manuever through them using the arrows. You have to dodge the walls while trying to stay within the camera view. This is the main coding of the game:

The things I have circled in this picture are the key points of the camera's code. The first red circle is just saying that it is the camera view. The bottom two says that the camera will go forward 12 meters every 4 seconds. This will make it so that the camera would be going the same speed as the bike rider.

Google sketch up

The next thing we used was "sketch up" by google. In this we were able to place 2d shapes, turn them into 3d shapes, and create things. Some of these were buildings, planes, cars, etc. I decided to make a pokeball for this:

To make the pokeball, I used 3 spheres which I broke apart for the different pieces of it and 4 circles which were made on the front and inside of the pokeball. The hardest part of this was creating the spheres, which was hard because you had to put two circles, one on the x-axis and one on the y-axis and I morphed them together with something called a follow me tool.

Digital Python

The last thing with 3d programming we learned is the 3d python programming.

In this photo it shows a red ball and the path it took while bouncing around in a little box. this is the programming I used for it:

The highlight words in this coding is telling what each line means. To be able to make this, I had to make 4 walls, a floor, and a red ball. I said that whenever the ball touches a certain wall, it bounces off in a certain direction, while I told the ball to go right 2 and back 3. The next thing we did in 3d Digital python was making the earth orbit the sun, this is the coding:

There is no comments saying how it is done, but in it we created a sun and an earth and set it so when the earth was too far away from the sun it would turn and go toward it while it went in a circle. We were able to make everything look realistic through the materials in python. It was hardest to make it turn the right amount, because sometimes the earth would spin into the sun and come out the other side.