Server Page

Server Project

The picture above is the inside of a Server. Inside, what is shown is a CPU (Central Processing Unit), RAM (Random Access Memory), Motherboard, Hard Drive GPU (General Processing Unit), Disk Drive, Optical Drive, Heat Sink, Fan, Power supply, Case, Cables, Ports, Mmoniter, HLED, PLED, MLED.

This is the power supply, it is used to power the server and give it energy.

This is the Heat Sinks, they take all the heat and disperse it out, another thing that helps it cool down is the fans.

This is the RAM (Random Access memory), The RAM holds the memory of the computor.

This is the CD rom, this is the area that you can put in your cd's, dvd's, and games to play on your computer.


When trouble shooting, you have to remember that everything counts. If one part of the server is incorrectly placed or not in all the way, it won't work. The first thing to do while trouble shooting is to make sure there are no loose wires or nail inside of it. Sometimes dust can get inside of it and ruin the RAM or a bug could get inside and damage it. Thats why it is very good to be able to clean and trouble shoot your server.