Three-Dimensional Graphics

Day 1: Research and Using Python for 3D Graphics

On day 1, we did individual research on 3d graphics and the Utah teapot. We also used Python for 3D graphics.


The Utah teapot is a computer model of a teapot that was created by Martin Newell in 1975. The teapot's three-dimensional coordinates were made public and other researchers began using it as a reference for advanced graphic techniques. Versions of the teapot are currently used in many modelling programs and graphic API. The physical teapot is currently held at the Computer History Museum, which we saw at our last field trip.

3D Graphics using Python

This is the three-dimensional box I created using Python. The code is shown below.

To create this code, we set its position, its width, height, length, color, and material. As you can see, I used the position (2,2,2), I made its width 5, its height 6, its length 3, customized its color, and made its material chrome using the command.

We also made the box rotate, using the code:

We then made a three-dimensional ice cream cone. A picture of mine is shown below.

In order to make this ice cream cone, we had to make a function for each scoop and one for the cone.

This is the code I used to make my scoops and cone. For the scoops, I used the sphere shape and made the radius 1 for each of them. I then made each of the positions so that they would be on top of one another and made it so that the cone was beneath them. For the cone, I used the cone shape and made its radius 0.9.


Other Pictures from Day 1:

Day 2: Alice and Field Trip to EA

On Tuesday, we worked with 3D graphics on a program called Alice. We also went on a field trip to EA.

This is a picture of the scene I created with Alice. Alice has many objects and terrains that you could add to your creation. Shown below are some of the categories of the various things you could add.


Pictures from the EA trip:

Day 2: SketchUp

On Wednesday, we used SketchUp, which is a program that was created by Google. We used this program to make cool 3D houses and objects. A picture of my house is added below.

SketchUp allows you to use different tools to make lines, rectangles, resize objects, and even lets you push and pull objects to make them 3D.

This is a picture of the different materials that you can use to paint your house or add textures to your object. As you can see, I used many of these on my house, such as on the windows and the pool.


Other cool things I made with SketchUp:

Day 3: Trig Crash Course & Orbit Model

On Thursday, we used python to make a model of the Earth orbiting around the sun. Here's a picture of how it looked.

The coding we used to make this model is shown below.

I worked with SketchUp more on Thursday as well and here's what I created.

Table of Contents


Programming Projects

Computer Hardware



Game Programming

3D Graphics

A.I. Page

A.I. Games

Advanced Programming