Artificial intelligence!

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Intelligence is a completely controversial topic. Most people think of it as a scale of how smart a person is, or whether or not a person can think for themselves. But really, its just a vast amount of knowledge over different subjects. The different subjects being: Intra-personal (People Smart), Inter-personal (How do I view myself? Where will I be in five years?), Musical (What pitch sounds the best when sung?), Nature (Which plants are poisonous?), Number and Reasoning (What, when multiplied by 52, is equal to 572?), Existential (How did we get here?), Bodily-Kinesthetic (How can I use my body to dance/lift objects/help others?), and Spacial (Do I have an active imagination?)

Is it possible for us to create an artificial intelligence (AI)? An AI being a form of intelligence in which we put our knowledge into so it can think and respond on its own. Alan Mathison Turing was a British mathematician. More importantly, he was a computer scientist. Turing questioned whether or not a computer can imitate a human, and tasked himself with creating the Turing Test. This test having three subjects. An interrogator asks the other two subjects (one being human, and the other being an artificial intelligence). The goal of the interrogator is to figure out who's human and who isn't. The goal of the AI is to trick the interrogator...

To this day, there are many forms of AI. One of them being a chatbot. Some examples of chatbots include: Clever-bot, Eliza, and many more.

In the first week, we used coding so the computer will be able to play rock paper scissors, 'choosing on its own'. Starting from scratch, we had to put the commands which allow us to choose rock/paper/scissors, and whether or not we win...

We also learned to program the computer so we can play hangman. The word database isn't lengthened due to the fact that it would take forever to type out all the different words.

In the final week, we focused on programming tic-tac-toe in python. I never thought playing a simple game would be so hard!

First, we had to make sure that the instructions were given, in case the user doesn't know how to play

Once we had the instructions set up, we had to make sure that we would be able to place the board onto the screen

What would a two player game be if only one person were making the moves? Getting the players to take turns and change whether an X or an O gets displayed took about two minutes to figure out...

Next, the moves (input) were to be placed directly onto the board. But to make sure that no one cheats, we had to make sure that it wouldn't override any moves already given...The second picture below this is a good example of overwriting someone's move.

After we ensured that there were no cheaters, we had to see where there were ties (second image below), and where there were winners(first image below)...

Once all the commands were set up, all we had to do was make sure that the only thing needed from the user was the inputs for where to go...