Server Project

This page is where I talk about a computer server...and its components.


The motherboard, as pictured above, is essentially the most important part of the entire computer. It contains vital parts such as the CPU and the HHD. Nearly everything in a computer is controlled by the motherboard. In fact, the one thing the motherboard DOESN'T control is the PSU.


The CPU (Central Processing Unit), is an essential computer component which carries out the basic logical operations of a computer. It also preforms the arithmetical and input/output operations, essentially making it the brain of the computer. As with several other major components, its located in the motherboard.


As the Power Supply Unit, this is the one component of a computer not controlled by the motherboard. As its name implies, the PSU supplies power to various parts to your computer. Without it...well...a computer will have no power!

The Fan

Every computer overheats from long use. The fan helps reduce the chance of that happening to a computer. As with all fans, this will force out hot air out of the computer using cool air, and it will also keep your PC cool and working.

The Hard Drive

This is an important part of your computer. One computer can contain multiple hard drives. Primarily, it stores digital information, in other words, everything you do on that computer. They compose of one or more disks that rapidly rotate, writing and reading data to the surfaces.


The RAM (Random Access Memory) is the best known form of a computer's memory. The "Random Access" in its name refers to the fact that you can directly access any of its memory cells, as long as you know the rows and columns that intersect with the particular cell. Any byte of memory can be accessed without touching any other bytes that precede it.

The Heatsink

The heatsink has a lot in common with the fan component as it helps cool off computer processors after running multiple programs at once. If a computer does not have a decent heatsink, your entire system could be utterly destroyed by an overheat attack. Heatsinks can be found in anything that has a chip. Typically, they are found in computers, but they can also be found in DVD players, cell phones, and even fridges. No matter what kind of machine the heatsink is in, it has the same function and remains a very essential component.

VGA Port

The VGA port (Video Graphics Card) has fallen out of use as computers evolved, as it slowly was taken over by CRT monitors. Originally, their main use was to link monitors to a computer. Despite their outdated usage, they can still be found in most digital flat screen panels.

Troubleshooting Activity

During this activity, one group took out a component of a computer, and it was another group's job to find out which part was missing. My group lost the fan, the CPU, and the power supply. During this activity, I learned which parts of the computer were which, and I also learned how vital each component was to the computer.

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