My Server Project Page

Here are some of the components of a computer Home

This is a hard drive from a computer where info is stored

The heat sink assist with absorbing heat away from several components

The motherboard is responsible for sending commands to other components of the server from the CPU

The disc drive is able to read data off inserted CD roms and DVD's

The CPU is the brains of the server and is the one who sends commands to the motherboard and keeps the computer working

The battery is where the computer's power is usually stored in the server

The graphics card is setting capablilities of the quality of videos and so on

The RAM is for use during random data usages and something of the sort

The fan usually cool and vent out the heat from outside the server

The power supply is in command of allowing electrical energy to be used to turn on or off

The wires externally connect to the servers through ports to send data directly to the server

The ports allows drives and wires to connect directly toward the server

The project was really interesting and fun to do because we got to tear down and examine a server in great detail. We moved and picked up some parts and pieces without breaking a thing and was just to look at the inside of a server. The motherboard looks like a town for some weird reason. The other thing was that we almost broke the server completely by accidently removing the CPU from its place.Luckily when we put it back it still worked and we continued researching.We looked at different parts for what they did and ended from there. The project helped what different components looked like and what and how they worked by trouble shooting and it was cool.

Troubleshooting Activity

For this activity me and a group of four teared down the server like in the last project except we changed and replace a few parts and try to see if it was challenging. We had to sabotage our servers and see if another group could fix it from the troubleshooting and putting back the proper parts in place so it can work. It was fun for a time and a bit of a challenge(obviously) and helped remember where each part goes and see if we can fix it. It was educational and yet competetive because we went up against other groups but it was all for education. I would like to do it again sometimes and it make it into a competition, you know for fun.