Artificial Intelligence


What is Intelligence?

Harold Gardner is has identified eight ways a person can learn the same material in the same way. These ways were linguistic, logical-mathematical, naturalist, spatial, bodily-kinesthetic, interpersonal, existential, and intra-personal. Each way has a different meaning and the picture above can most likely show you what all of them mean.

Alan Turing

Alan turning was considered the inventor or the father of artificial intelligence. He was highly intelligent, he knew a lot of things that involved computers. He made the t-machine which was a known for stimulating the algorithm of a computer. He also made a test which was named t-test, this test calculated your intelligence between a computer and a normal person. If you couldn't tell the difference between a computer and a person then the computers A.I. is just as intelligent as a person.

Chat Bot

Today on 2/9/15 I was chatting with mitsuku and we were playing a game which was yes or no. I decided to give up because my questions didn't even make sense to the game. The answer was an elephant after I wrote "I give up."

Making your own ChatBot

I made my own code today and it is pure questions that are being asked. I tried to make something so when the user asks the computer "how old are you" the computer would respond to any random number. However, I failed and this is the result.

This is the coding I did today in python.

Improving ChatBot

Today 2/10/15 we continued working on our chatbot. I improved my chat bot my making two different ways you can annoy it. The top image is one way and the second image is another way.

ChatBot Code

This is the coding I did in order to make my chatbot get annoyed to people's responses. I had to make a "for i in range" and a break in order for the chatbot to stop responding to the person asking it questions when they are not following directions. It stops at the end because there is no more coding which makes the bot not respond anymore.

Rock, Paper, Scissors

We decided to make a rock, paper, scissors game. Just simple game that you can win, lose or tie, the code on how we did it is in the bottom picture.

As you can see we varied it with if-statements, loops, variables, and conditionals. The loop was used to make it go forever until the answer was no. The if statements were for the computer to choose its best guess! The variables were to name the human, computer, and rps. The conditionals in the other hand would be in charge of how you won.

ChatBot Speaks!

Today 2/11/15 we made the computer talk! We imported steel in order to make it talk. We also connected it to the a website called wolframalpha which is a program that knows basically everything! We connected it to python in order for all the computer to search up the question and get the answer. This is the code I used in order to make it talk.

This is me asking the program questions and giving me exact answers. Thanks to wolframalpha.

T-Test Thursday!

Today 2/12/15 it was test day. We tested out if our chatbot was as much human as possible and see if we can tell the difference. We recorded the results in the board, unfortunately I didn't get to participate because our TA's computer died. The winner over all got cookies and that winner was Josh!