Advance Programming



Java is known to be one of the most popular programming languages in the world. It was originally developed by James Gosling in 1995. It uses most of their syntax from C and C++.

Java Script

Java script was developed for users that aren't into coding. It uses most of the syntax's that Java uses, mostly C. It basically takes control of the browser and interacts with the user. Making things a lot easier.

Using Programming 2.2.1

On 4/27/15, we learned how to use the programming tool. Programming 2.2.1 is basically a program that you can do certain things, it uses java codes. We learned how to do a smiley face and I customized mine in a different color.

This is the code I used in order to make the smiley face. The coding is average, just with specific names for the program. The fill is the color and the rest is the body parts. It is labeled with "//" which is a comment.

We also got to make a bouncing ball, which bounces off the walls and actually counts.

The code is slightly different for this one. We added "x and y" coordinates in order to make the ball move. We also identified Bounce, in order for the ball to bounce. The rest of the code is still the same.

Next, we were instructed to do something on our own, and I made a simple house.

making the house was so simple. All i needed to do was make multiple rectangles and a triangle and align them to all take a spot.

Functions, variables, list

On 4/28/15, we made a lady bug. This is my lady bug done by me.

This is the code for my lady bug. We went more advance and started using radians,PI, diameters, and matrix's.

Next,we started making balls that move around the screen, and a bunch of them.

This is the code we used in order to make it. We used functions and lists which is probably the new thing we added in this code. Everything is the same as yesterday, just that we added conditionals and list to make it easier instead of writing is all the way.

Java on Khan Academy

Today on 4/29/15, we found out that Khan academy has JAVA! I got one of my codes from processing 2.2.1 and I input it on Khan's computer programming. I noticed that Khan doesn't exactly have the same codes for programming but the only thing I needed to change was "int" to "var" and erase the set-up parts. I also deleted size because khan academy already has it installed.


Today on 4/30/15, we learned how to make a heart using pure notepad ++. We had to add a huge document into our Notepad ++ in order to get this on Notepad ++. The file that we added was called p5.js. After making a heart we made a mothers day card which will be on the same page as the heart. If you click the

then it will take you to my heart page. If you would like to see my code, you can easily right click and inspect element to see my code. Make sure to click on that little arrow to get everything from my code. As you can see something new that I added was the canvas because someone Notepad ++ wouldn't recognize what we were doing if we didn't add in the "createCanvas". Another thing that was new was the Bezier curves which allowed the heart to get that heart shape. It made everything smoother. Like any other programs that use Java, we had to add semi colons and square brackets in order for the program to recognize everything we were doing.