Circuit Project



AND & OR are two different things. AND doesn't turn on when one of the on/off toggle switch is on. On the other hand OR turns on even if there is just one on/off toggle switch is on.


'NAND' means that it is NOT AND, meaning that if both toggles are turned on it wont light up the LED light. NOR means it is not OR, meaning that if both toggles are turned off then the LED light will turn on.


We learned how to make an "adder" by connecting circuits together using "cedar logic."

binary #'s

We learned on how to use binary numbers and we used turtles to do a slight demonstration of binary numbers. Binary numbers work by multiplying


Today we taught the computer to count. How about remembering? To teach the computer, we need a certain circuit to hold it's place until we determine to adjust it. For this to happen, we need a flip-flop or a gated SR latch. I produced one in cedar logo today.


On Tuesday we got to make our own robot that lights up using LED lights and also we got to use soldering and burning it with non lead material. Yet by doing this, you also need to insert a battery for it to work and light up to LED lights in the robot. To do this correctly you had to make sure not to connect the soldering together or else it would not work because you connect the positive and the negative together.

Operating Systems

operating system is what a computer has to have in order to run other programs. Operating systems is like the heart and brain of a computer, it memorizes your files and it contacts with your keyboard and other things you do in order to get the computer to do what you want. This is what the operating system does to your computer on the picture below.

Types of operating system.

Linux,Microsoft Windows,and Mac OS are the most popular so far. Most people use these operating systems than any other because it is told to be very accurate and well known. Other types of operating systems work great but not as great as the top three above.


Linux has been ported to most computer hardware platforms than any other type of operating systems. Linux is the almost the same as Unix. More than 95% of the world's 500 supercomputers run on most variations of Linux.


Today we learned how to use a bread board and how to get the LED light to turn on using a battery and cables. We used one 3K resistor, a yellow wire, LED light, and a positive and negative cable.

AND Gate

After doing the LED circuit project we started to do something more advance. We made an AND gate which we can turn off and turn on different light by disconnecting the positive red wires.


Without transistors cell phones, computers, and cars would operate differently. The transistor is the core of most modern electronics. We consider it the greatest invention of the 20th century. A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify and switch electronic signals and electrical power. It has at least three terminals for connection to an external circuit.

Moore's law

Moore's law states that the number of transistors on a microcontroller doubles every year. So far Moore's law is somewhat accurate to the amount of transistors double every two years. Most companies thing this law is still acceptable.


I have had troubleshooting once in my life. It was when I was downloading something like a game on my dell and when it finished downloading it said I did not have my software installed. I turned it off and it said to download the operating system. Since then I could not get the computer to work any more. At this point I just have my dell stored under my bed. I now have a collection of all my computers that don't work at all any more...

Working with Troubleshooting

Today we got our own desktop and we had to find out the problem the computer had. The troubleshoot that we encountered is that the computer screen wouldn't turn on at one point. My group had a feeling that they should disconnect cables inside the computer, they almost broke the whole computer but luckily we got to put it back together.