What is Intelligence?

I think Intelligence is being able to react differently depending on the situation. I then searched the web to find out what Intelligence really meant and I wasn't to far off, the definition said "the ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills".

We then researched Howard Gardner and his book "Multiple Intelligences". He stated that there are 9 types of Intelligence; Musical, Visual, Verbal, Logical, Bodily, Interpersonal, Intrapersonal, Naturalistic, and Existential.


Today we fooled around with different ChatBots. I fooled around asking random questions to Mitsuku (A ChatBot) until I got this funny response.

We also learned about Alan Turing and his Turing Machine. Alan is referred to as the founded of computer science.

I then researched the Turing Machine and found out what it did, "A Turing machine is a hypothetical device that manipulates symbols on a strip of tape according to a table of rules. Despite its simplicity, a Turing machine can be adapted to simulate the logic of any computer algorithm, and is particularly useful in explaining the functions of a CPU inside a computer."

Today on 2/10/15 we made our own chat bots. I made mine to ask random questions and answer accordingly.

I also made an AI to play Rock, Paper, Scissors, against a person.

On 2/11/15 we imported steele onto 'Python' which allowed it to respond by speaking.

This is the code I made to answer questions.

This is the one that Mr. Farrell made that used 'Wolframalpha' to work

On Thursday 2/12/15 we did a Turing test to see if our computer could 'act' like a human. I ended up winning this competition due to a bug in my system which made it reply "Purple" to every question.

On Friday 2/13/15 we watched the movie "Smartest Machine in the World" we learned about 'Watson' who was an A.I. designed by IBM that won a Jeopardy game against the reigning champions. I learned how hard it is to teach an A.I. rules, and that it is better to have it learn by itself. I also learned that computers find answers by searching though thousands of data bases simultaneously.

We also watched the movie "WarGame" which taught us about computers ability to learn by looking for patterns.

Week 7

Today on Monday 4/20/15 we made a number guessing game. We programmed it to pick a number between 1 and 10 and we would have to guess what number it was with the clues the coputer gave us.

This is what happened when I ran my program.

Today on 4/21/15 we made HangMan in Python. This was an error that kept occurring with my code.

It took me a while to figure it out, but after a while I was able to find that the problem was that I forgot to put Brackets around one of my lists. After fixing it I was able to make it work with this code.

Today on 4/22/15 we continued to work on our HangMan. We imported "urllib" and "urlopen" to allow our program to open up url's for our HangMan game.

On 4/23/15 we made Tick-Tack-Toe in Python. I tried to make mine a little bit different than instructed, which resulted in my program not working. What I learned form this is that it is sometimes better to do what you know will work rather than trying to do something new and innovative. Here is a picture of my attempted code.

When I was writing my program I was trying to make the value in the boxes change when the were picked by a player or a computer, I tried many different ways of making it change the value but all of them wouldn't work.

Today on Friday 4/24/15 we worked on our Tick-Tack-Toe more and touched it up. I was finally able to get my program to input the players output into the game, unfortunately that was all I was able to do and did not finish my Tick-Tack-Toe.

We also watched Iron Man to learn about the incredible A.I. J.A.R.V.I.S. and how it was able to have active conversations. It shows how far we have to go from HangMan to an A.I. that can have active conversations.