Artificial Intelligence

My Chat Bot

This is my chat bot that I created, it is an artificial intelligence or AI for short. This AI basically is programmed to respond to questions that have been input into it's programming. Each question will be answered though they have to be as said before in it's programming. It works by first asking two questions then letting it ask you questions, though they are limited unless the question has been programmed to answer the said question.

My Wolfram-alpha Bot

This the code to my chat bot, as you can see it has questions in it's programming though I could have made it a random chat bot I couldn't think about what it could answer with and what to question which would have taken a while to program. So I gave it a couple of simple answers for it to say to the person asking it.

I also used a module called Steel, in my chat bot. It is an eSpeak module, it basically speaks the text that tell it to speak for you. It has practical uses but most of us just used it to mess around yet still be "working".

This is my Wolfram-alpha bot that I coded and used Wolfram-alpha to make it answer things without me having to manually code each phrase and answer it gives, basically it lets me use a database that it has so that way it will have an answer for questions without my code, all I needed to code was a way for the python to access it and the questions it asks you like the "What's you question?" one.

This my bot in action, I asked it a couple of questions, including a statement that it gave me an answer for somehow. As seen it is giving answers for each question and based on my code it's obvious that I didn't code too much for it.

This is Watson, IBM's Jeopardy playing super computer, it is the "Worlds smartest computer". It is the first AI to have such a powerful learning system, basically it is so smart it knows how to learn (no not like a eBook reading websites or sites like Amazon, it is much more powerful), it is programmed to learn what's wrong and how to search for useful data based on the subject. It isn't able to listen to people so they have to show the other players answers via something like a text. Though it is meant for playing Jeopardy, the creator of Watson made it to show everyone about it's learning capabilities, because it has other more practical uses.

This is my RPS bot(Rock Paper Scissors = RPS), that I programmed in Python. I had problems getting it to start the game itself, I don't know why it was not starting up so I had to manually start it in the Python Shell to be able to play the game, then it wouldn't play it would one part instead of playing the ones needed to be play the game.

This is my Hangman program that was immensely confusing to create, with little understanding of how to go about making it fill blanks, print the actual hangman figure, taking guesses, an so on. So I did what I did understand and then Mr. Farrell showed the code so I copied what I could so I at least had something to show. I had to make it so it would first print the figure, it didn't work, and I didn't know how to make it post the one after each wrong answer, it would post all of the figures at once. This is my Hangman program that was immensely confusing to create, with little understanding of how to go about making it fill blanks, print the actual hangman figure, taking guesses, an so on. So I did what I did understand and then Mr. Farrell showed the code so I copied what I could so I at least had something to show. I had to make it so it would first print the figure, it didn't work, and I didn't know how to make it post the one after each wrong answer, it would post all of the figures at once.

This is the Tic Tac Toe game that created in Python. I did have problems especially with it to actually start the game, it took me a while find the problem on why it didn't start. As you see in the first picture with drawBoard(nums), it took me a while to notice that I had to add my nums array or my spaces array in the parenthesis and not Blist to get it to work. I then had a problem with getMove() but mostly it was the fact that I didn't know how to get it to working, until Mr. Farrell showed the code for it so I copied it down and I didn't finish copying down so I was stuck. I asked James for help but his code was for an AI and made a bit more complex than mine since he's been working on it for a while, and the other people either didn't finished either or had a different code. Though I did copy down the checkWin code since I was not there yet.

Here is my now working TTT game, I got help from Mr. Farrell and now it's fully functional. Mr. Farrell showed my code as an example of how we could have just troubleshoot the problems we had. I copied down what he fixed in my cod and now it works though now I have to make a AI vs. Player TTT game, I have to program the computer to play Tic Tac Toe with other people.