3D Programming


When we first got introduced to Alice, we were shown this...

Not exactly the prettiest picture, but it was not an easy task to program it.

Then I used a dummy, which is basically a place holder, and moved my camera to an overhead view

My game that I set up was to get to the ship, however the speed on the rover was ridiculous so that was the challenge

You also had to avoid the crates, this is what happened when you hit a crate

This is what happened when you got to the ship


For Sketch up I thought about making a castle, but then realized it would take too long

So instead I made this, I have no idea what it is, but its interesting

Visual Python

For visual python we made a sphere bounce off a surface which looks like this

Next we made the Earth orbit around the Sun while making a trail, which looks like this

This is the code for the program that ran it