

Welcome to my home page. This website is all about my Expeditions in Intro to Computer Science. Below in each accordion box, there will be a brief description as well as a link to the coressponding page. The week will be described in detail along with pictures provided for your benefit. Enjoy looking through my experiences!


In the first week, we primarily worked on coding functions. This varied from algebraic functions to functions that drew shapes and spirals. This week I learned about html as well, which was implemented in this websites you are on right now.



Also during the second week we took apart a server on the second day. We got to learn all about the various components of the computer.

Server Project


In the second week, we learned all about circuits. Circuits are what a computer runs on, as circuts direct every action that the computer will take. It's mind boggling at first but there are millions of pieces in your computer and laptop, but miniaturised to almost invisible components



In the second period of Expeditions, we learned about Robotics, how code can make a piece of hardware perform actions by itself. We worked with NXT mindstorms to create a robot that would follow our commands.



In the second period of expeditions, we learned about video games, and how to create them on a variety of programs. We also recreated classic games like Pong.

Video Games

3D Graphics

3D Graphics and rendering was the first topic we studied when we returned from Winter Break. We were able to create 3D objects and learn about how 2D objects like photos were turned into 3D objects.

3D Graphics

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence, computers that can think for themselves, and perform and complete many human tasks, many times much faster and more efficient then us.

Artificial Intelligence

Alternative programming, other languages that use the same basics but are different at the same time.

Alternative Programming