Artificial Intelligence


This week we are going to learn about Artificial Intelligence (A.I.). First, we need to know what intelligence is.

Multiple Intelligences

In 1983,a psyocholgist named Howard Gardner had doubts that there is only one type of intelligence, and wrote a book about about it. He says there are multiple intelligences:

Since we are going to try to make a program "smart," we had to talk to a Chatbot to see if the conversation would be realistic or not. I briefly chatted with Cleverbot.

On Tuesday, we were leanring more on how to make an AI Chatbot seem more realistic. Here is some of the code of what I had:

Here is a little of what I did on Wednesday.

This was my third attempt to make a chatbot. I used codes from previous ones and used some Wolframalpha code for facts. I imported the facts, and you could ask the chatbot any question. It would then give you the right answer, or if it did not know, it would say "I am not sure." I am not completely done, it still needs a few more tweaks.

On Thursday, we did a mini "Turing Test." It was to see if the one chatting with us was a robot or a human. So basically, the person had to code the program well to fool.Here is a picture on the chart we did to determine what majority of the class thought:

On Friday we watched a documentary called "Smartest Machine in the World." It is about an IBM AI that competes in the popular TV game, Jeopardy. The people at IBM face many challenges, like Watson (that is its name) giving the wrong answer. When given the question, Watson looks through his database using key words from the question. Then, basically whichever answer comes up the most, it assumes that is the correct answer. It is not always the case.