
All of these photos show what I did on Python for the first time. This shows the first time I used the python as a calculator.
This shows the first time I used the python as a printer.
This shows my first attempts at making the Python guessing game.
This shows when I got the Python guessing game to work correctly. Also it shows the final code that made the guessing game work.


These are the shapes I made on Netlogo. But the shapes I made before couldn't be found. Also I wrote down the code to get those shapes.

Today in class we made AI games that would take your answer and would respond to it. If you were a winner or if you lost. For this we started off by programming a rock, paper, scissors game through python to build ourselves up to programming a tic tac toe game.

And here is the code for the game that we made in class and tomorrow we will start to make hangman on python.

Advanced Programming

Today in computer science, we started advanced programming like C++ and Java and also Programming. Today in Programming we created a face and also we made a circle look like it is was bouncing off walls. Here is a picture of the code that we made for the smiley face.

And here is how it looked on the module.

Here is the code for the bouncing ball that we created in Programming.

And here is how the ball looked in the module. Also the ball changed color every time in it moved.

Today in class we learned how to create a circle on programming by using sine and cosine.

Here is the code for this shape.

Also to day we created a house in processing. Here is the code for the house and the house itself.

Java Script

Today in class we learned how to use Java Script. We learned that to define a variable we use "var". Also we learned that if we wanted to create a prompt we could use "prompt to make a pop up appear. Below is a picture of the code that we started to create.

Today in class we started to create a game through Java Script. Here is the code and the response for the game.