

Logo was designed in 1967 by Daniel G. Bobrow, Wally Feurzeig, Seymour Papert and Cynthia Solomon. logo is one form of programming in which you use commands to make a turtle do certain things like on tuesday of the firstnetcodessa.JPG week we made a spiral using the turtle. also ilearned that you can use logo to make a video game. what i also learned was that you problems program a computer to solve math problems. to get the area of a triangle you have to use this code .to area [base height] ;; calculates the area of a triangleprint 0.5 * base * height end.

we made a code and taught the turtles how to eat and roam around and after they eat the grass the patches turn brown or black.

this is the code i used to make the turtles have energy and make them eat the things around him they ate they ate the grass in their habitat and they could actually eat each other like canibals lol

we made a code that makes the turtels lose energy after they walk around.when their energy is fully depleted the turtle will die.