Baby Java



I made a smiley face using studio sketchpad. The language I used is Java.In order to learn Java,which is significantly different than VPhython.When thinking what other coding language share in similarity:Conditionals,functions,Loops,and Variables comes up the most.
The difference between Java and Python syntax's:
1)Python uses colon and def for definition.
2)Java uses semi-colon and backslashes.

The first one I made was the Smiley Face!

This is the first code I made for the Smiley Face!

Smiley Face on Sketchpad!!!

House on Sketchpad!!!

Here is the code for house.

Bouncing ball on Sketchpad!!!

Here is the code for Bouncing ball.

Colorful balls on Sketchpad!!!

Note on this by the way:

'Colorful balls' is basically the cloned version of 'Bouncing ball' in Sketchpad.

The reason why did this I did a duplicate is because I was about show is how to make more balls appear and have random different color. Bottomline, it is the more advance way to create 'Bouncing ball.' Instead of 1 ball bouncing off the walls, there are 10 of them.

Here is the code for Colorful balls.

Recap of WEEK 1-8!!!!

The topics I like the most was Robotics,Games,3D programming,and artificial intelligence.

The reason I liked these topics the most is because the types of code-in VPhython- I did for Robotics,Games,3D programming,and artificial intelligence all made the computer do awesome commands and beautiful creations.

The topics I like the least was Programming,Circuits,and Processing .

The reason I liked these topics the least is because Programming,Circuits,and Processing didn't seem to do much in action than it in Robotics,Games,3D programming,and artificial intelligence.

However, I don't hate them as much as I did in the beginning anymore.Reason is because now that I'm more familiar with coding now than the first week of it. I bet if I take Computer Science again in my Senior year, I'd be a pro at it.