My 3D Programming Page

This is the body of the webpage.

This is the home to my 3D creations.

Today was the first day of 3D programming and we were using a program called alice. This program had pre loaded into catagory 3D models that we can manipulate and change anyway we want. The first pat of my project was an intro, to the game I wanted to make

this is a picture of the first area I made, there is the lunar lander, a little robot, and two astronauts. The second picture is zoomed out, here you can see a satalite that i made larger, that you cannot see until it "crashes" into the screen and in front of the astronots.

here is a small clip of the code for just the intro, this includes the sounds, some of them I got from the internet, and the movement. This was what I spent most of the day working on, and gets fairly complicated.

this is the simple part that is used for moving the character after the intro.
Based on the example, this has the camera follow the character as he moves. Granted there is much room for improvement. For example if you stay still the camera will go inside the astronaut. But for now if you move the camera will not be too far behind.

this very simple part of the code makes sure they go in order. So the camera will not be tryig to focus the playable character that is in a different area, it does the introduction and then it goes to the character code.
today was definently a more interesting day for me. We were using sketch up, a 3D modeling software and we were able to build what ever we want. Using the tools we could make almost anything, and a hard challenge mr farrel gave us was to make a teapot, i was not very interested and did not figure it out. I foucused on making something that took me the whole day, based off the movie avengers but changed to my style. The S.H.I.E.L.D helicarrier. These pictures are from all angels.

To me this was much more interesting than alice, yes alice did let us make them move and do action, but I like the freedom that sketch up gave us to make what ever we want to, and in this case I decided to make the helicarrier. I feel like I have put in detail but there might be more for me to add to it but the next time we work on sketchup I think I will be working something different, same genre but different.
I did attempt today on working with the teapot and it was frustrating. Getting the parts in just the right spots and using the right tools was much harder than I thought. I will be attempting to make that because I think on my next project the knowledge of how to make shapes like that will be helpful.

Today we were using VPYTHON, using python code to create 3d visual objects. And the first goal of today was to make a sphere, then to make it bounce on the ground realisticly, and last bounce off a wall if it encounters one.

This got me thinking of the object simply falling. After the ball finished bouncing it would start a downward diagnol zigzag and would keep going until you stopped the program. So I set out to make it so when it reached an edge, it would fall, and I did it. This did have a strange issue of it doing the zqugly line early on and I did not find out how to fix this, but the idea did work. I also took it furthe and have it drop down over multiple levels, this was for fun and I made a total of 3 levels.

The rest of the day was based upon planets. The way the have an eliptical orbit around the sun, and how to simulate that gravity. Over time the code took shape as I attempted to create a to scale version of our solar system. I eventually made three planets, based on earth(white trail), Venus(blue trail) and Mercury(red trail). This was fun and I also found out how to givee the planets a rail that would start to erase, after it was a certain distance long. leaving us with the sun, three planets with their own orbits, and with a path. Because they are to scale the erasing path was very important because it was almost impossible to see each individual planet.

This is where we defined the planets, what they looked like, and their trails.

Here is where I defined earths rotation, speed, etc.

This is the rotation details of mercury

and last the code for venus and its orbit.

Here is the code in action, the planets distance from the sun, you cant see it nut the earth is moving much slower than both venus and mercury whose orbits are much closer to the sun.
