


For the robotics protion of this we had make a robot and put in some programming to make it move one of those funtions was the scatter function.

We also made the programing for it to go in a square, but the main consern was the robot itself it had some design flaws that I later went into correct when we first started testing it. So I spent most of the time designing and fabricating the robot while the rest of my group either helped or made most of the programing I was also trouble shooting the light at the top of the robot. The sonar and touch sensors are fully operational they did not work at first but nothing you can't solve with a little troubleshooting. We also dicoverd that if even one pf the senors is diconnected the entire robot does not work. That was the main problem with the robot but we didn't worry that much about it because we knew that we were going to use all of the pieces.

We got most of the programming done we had making the robot follow the green line. We did a lot of trouble shooting with the programming of juan.o following the line.

This is the programming for juan.o following the green line. We used the same programming to make Juan.o find water on Mars.

When we made the programming for Juan.o to find the water we also saw the model of mars and saw that there was craters. That juan might fall in so we had to make a device so that Juan.o would detect the crater before he would fall in. The touch sensor was the only one not being used so we thought that if we reversed the sensors functions we would make it stop and change direction before it falls in.

We aimed the touch sensor down so that when it stopped being pushed that means that the ground is farther down so then. Juan.o stops backs up and changes direction making sure that he feels the ground before changing direction. We also made a spare sonar sensor aiming down just incase the touch sensor fails. The programming for both of them we just revesed what would happen when the sensed the opposite things.