
I got to learn the process of soldering where you take solder and burn it down with a soldering iron and take the liquid of the solder, and solder it to the battery and you go to this quick and don't solder the solder onto to where the battery suppose to go because then your gonna fail like me. And your going to start all over again. The finish project is the robot that lights blink back and forth. We also learned how to bread boarding. Bread boarding is the process of when you take a bread border wire them up in the holes they have to the corresponding colors that the bread board has to light up LED Lights. Wiring has to be done correct an the grew I was in had a hard time lighting up the bread board because we couldn't figure out what the problem that we had.

Heres a photo of how a bread board correctly looks when it is connected to a bread board note that only one light turned both are supposed to turn on.