
The first digitally animated shape that I got to make was a square. I learned how to make this shape from listening to the tutorial and coding it on net logo and have it move to a 2D virtual world. And this square also became a rectangle that turn into a four intersecion like a highway

We learned how to make a star on python2.5 and I put x2 on the code, so it makes more stars I learned how to code a star from the presentation we learned on the projector.

The coding was made on python2.5 it is simpler than net logo because you don't have to put and end tag. This coding had to very specific if not you would get an error message telling you that the text was not identified.

Microcolony Simulation

Using the logo programming language and the NetLogo application, I created a colony of turtles that move, eat, reproduce and die. Y colony Here's a screenshot of my colony with the plot of the turtle population broken down by color. Notice the pink turtles have dominated the environment! Here's a screen shot of some of the code:

When it moves and reproduces, it loses energy. Here's where I gave the pink turtles an advantage. They move a half a step more than the others. Will it be enough to dominate?

If the coding went right the turtles would of been eating the grass and the grass would of had come up. But how I messed up the turtles only move around or may be they do eat grass but it's faster than the speed of light that we don't see.