What are the different types of Intelligence?

According to Howard Gardner who got his degree from Stanford. He believed that there were 8 different types of Intelligence. The 8 types are, Naturalist Intelligence - the gift of nature, Intrapersonal - the gift of self, Intrapersonal - the gift of people Logical - the gift of logic and numbers, Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence - gift of body, Musical the gift of music, Visual/Spiatial Intelligence the gift of pictures, Linguistic Intelligence - the gift of words.

What is a Turing Test?

Turing testing is testing if something is a computer or a human.

What I learned on March 31st, 2014.

On March 31st, 2014, I learned many new things about AI. I learned to make the computer choose something random from a list. This was no the most confusing thing and it was easy. I also learned how to set-up a loop. A loop means that with out getting stop command the program will run forever!


On April fools day we learned about importing in python. When I used to import in python I would simply import all. But today I learned that you can important from specific files! I think it is amazing! This means that I can write a code and just import it when ever I need. Today we did this with loops in python!

Text to Speech (TTS)

On April fools day we used a module named Steel in this module was a program named eSpeak. We used eSpeak to get our chat bots to actually chat. Below is a picture of code I used to get my chatbot to speak.

Turing Test in Real Life

On April fools day we did one more thing. We had a student leave the room. We texted the people question and either the person responded or the chat bot. Then the students needed to guess if it was a human or the chat bot. For me they got it wrong. They said it was the Chatbot but really it was me!


In the morning on April 2nd, we created a Fact-bots. We used Wolfram Alpha to power the system. The system searches wolfram alpha and finds the facts or the answer to your question. The last 4 lines of the code are a loop. My code works perfectly.


Watson is a computer created by IBM to play jeopardy. Today we watched a show about him. I was interested about the amount of time and money went into this project. I learned that Watson can't hear and must read the questions. Also Watson made many mistakes, such as he didn't see "40's" as a year or a time period. A big part about Watson was his machine learning. He learned form his mistakes and from right answers. In a way like a human. Below is a picture of Watson on the show. To his right is Ken Jennings a man who won 74 times in a row and won over 2 million dollars. To his left his Brad Rutter a man who has never lost a game of Jeopardy. Watson ending up winning the tournament with Ken coming in second and Brad coming in third.


On April 4th, 2014 we made hangman in class and an AI. Below is my code for the game. However it is not in all my code. I also needed to draw the board. I also needed a list of my words. However this is most of my code. It is the important parts. But to build this code I had to learn a lot. I learned more about "While loops" or in there coding form "while True:" I also learned that you can use brackets "[]" to create a list. For hangman I used the list to create words the computer could choose from. I also learned that you can build a very interesting board using a only characters on your keyboard. You can also have the computer set how long an object is.

Tic Tac Toe Day One

Today we had to create 2 player Tic Tac Toe. We spent most of the day on it. Below I have included my code along with descriptions.

In the first picture the code is creating the board. Also it is displaying the instructions for the game. Also it is receiving the raw input from the players.

This part of coding is taking the move and applying it to the board. It also lists all of the possible outcomes for winning. It acknowledges the winner. It checks for a tie. It switches the turns between the players. And it also has a loop function.

This is my last part of coding. It basically brings all the top parts together. It links all the definitions together and makes them run smoothly. This is the meat of my code.

Tic Tac Toe AI

Yesterday we started two player Tic Tac Toe. I took it upon my self to learn AI. I watched many video's and read my articles/forums on the topic. Today and last night at my house I started my coding there is not much to show. But hopefully with work at home and in class I should be done by Wednesday or Thursday. I am also trying to make it show that the AI or the computer can give you a hint on where to move.

AI vs AI

During the week we all had to work on AI tic tac toe. I have a copy of my code here. Actually click here. This code was copied from a video I watched about it. The video was and code was made by somebody from MIT.

Deep Blue

Today we also watched a movie on Deep Blue. A computer that was built to win chess. The movie was very interesting. It really went into the minds of the people involved. It also went into a lot of details about the mental stress of the players and programmers. The programmers weren't even aloud to celebrate at the award ceremony. They couldnt even smile. This was because the man they beat was just in a horrible mental place due to the stress.