
In class on November 4th we were taught how to use scratch. We were given a short tutorial and they we were told to create pong. I decided to first just create a single paddle with a single a ball. The ball would bounce against the wall and you would have to hit before the ball crossed the red line or you will lose a life. When you run out of lives the game is over. I was also able to make the paddle warp meaning you go up the top and end up on the bottom. I link the game down below. The picture below go in this order: 1. Code for paddle; 2.Code for the ball; 3. The line that tell if you scored or not. But I knew that I could make an AI so that you could battle against it.

Below is my game if you would like to play. Use up and down to move the paddle. Click the green flag to began.

As I said before I want to make an AI. This what I did. Below I have two options for game type. The first is with a color changing pen following the ball. The second has no pen behind and is easy to follow and will cause no headache. The game is the game is first to 10 good luck! Have fun! The controls are the same as before.


Today in class on November 5th we learned how to use BYOB. It is alot like scratch but in some ways it is alot better. You can have multiple pages open at once. The main change is you can make you can make your own block. In BYOB I made my very own flower.

Above is a picture of the flower that I made. I think that it is very pretty.

Below is a picture of code. Although it looks very easy it is not. As you may see one of the blocks says square. That is not programmed into the BYOB. I built my own block. That is much easier said then done.

As I said before I had to make my own block. The code below is the code for my block.


Over the past 2 days my friends and I have been working on making Frogger. We all worked on different parts. My job was cropping and picking the cars, designing the background, and making the frog. It was cool for each of us to have different part in the game. It made me feel like I was part of EA because at EA people are also told to do different parts of the game. Like in Madden one person maybe in charge of the 40 yard line. The game is below along with instructions.


To play Frogger you must click the green flag to start it. You can control the the frog with the arrow keys. The blocks turn to a darker shade when you have already stepped on them. Good luck. Keep your eye on that timer!

Multiplayer Meshing

To do this we had to use BYOB. We sat with a partner and made a game. We had a host which was me. Then we used my I.P. address to link up the computers. My parter and I made a game where you had to shoot each other. This was a lot of fun and I am glad I did this.

3D Game Creation

Today I learned how to use Alice. At first I wanted to make a first person shooter. But then I decided to make a flight simulator. At first I felt that coding the game would be very hard. But then I remembered what I learned in scratch. Once that clicked the coding was not too hard. Below I have some pictures of the code and game play.

Above is a picture of the plane that I created. It is flying at the very start of game.

The first code is the code for plane its self. It's telling the plane the speed at which it should go also it is telling the engine to spin. The second picture of code is telling plane to listen to the arrow keys for what direction the plane should move.

Walking Realistic

Above are the pictures from my game. The top picture is the charter that I used. The next picture is the code for his legs. The trick in learning this is that I have everything move at the same time. This way you don't get the legs moving alone without the rest of the body.

Sketch up

Today, February 12th we learned how to use sketch up. I used my new found skill to create a house. Pictures of the house are below. It was a lot of fun to use. I will deferentially use it in the future. It was kinda of like minecraft . But much different and I like it a lot more. I like it more because instead of blocks it uses the whole walls. Also the app has a lot of cool features. Like my friend built a end of world storage bunker. He was able to build it underground thanks to the app. Also the app allows you to download many different things from the online store. Such as cars or even whole buildings. The app has a few cool features. Two features are my favorite. The first is that I can set scenes like throughout my house. So I can give a virtual tour of my house. The second allows you to pull and push structures. Making them bigger or smaller.

Visual Python

Above is a picture of the first thing I created in Visual Python. Its a ball that bounces off the walls and leaves a line. It bounces off four different walls and after bouncing it goes to a random place.

After creating the ball in a box I was able to create a earth that orbits around the sun. It orbits in an oval shape just like the actually earth.

Using a youtube video that I found, made by my teacher. I was able to create a code that graphs the earth distance from the sun. A picture of the graph in action is above.