

On the first day of computer science class, we learned how to use HTML. HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. Example of the code;

Example of how it turned out to be;


As a class, we used logo in Net Logo. With logo we give commands to the turtles to do something. Using logo we can make the turtles draw many things. One thing we did with Net Logo was making spirals. The code;

The code turned out to be this;


We created a function to draw a y;

After that we created a code to create a tree. Here is the code;

Here is the tree;

Another thing we did with Net Logo was making spirals. Here is the code;

The code turned out to be this;

Major Tools for Programming


Variables are words or letters that represent other values.


We wanted the computer to repeat a block of code so we used loop.


Having comments during programming allows the programmer to explain what their code is. Without comments programmers wouldn't know what their code means.


Functions help to organize the code to let you execute the same code, even inside another function.


Spacing allows the computer to understand each number or equation sign putten in a bracket or outside the bracket.

Turtle Colony

On Wednesday, as a class we created our own turtle colony. We wanted to see if given these turtles a tiny advantage they would be able to dominate the environment after a number of generations. This included giving them the ability to walk, eat, and move. Examples of some codes;

Here's a picture of the whole turtle colony;

Here's the turtle colony's plot line;


On Wednesday of week two, we learned about Python. We also learned where Python came from and learned to program it. We used loops, variables, functions, conditionals, and user input. Here's an example of the code we used;

Algebra Solving with Python

On Wednesday, we had also solved equations using python. We solved the equation ax + b = cx + d. We solved for x and the equation became x = d - b / a - c Here's the code;

Here's how it turned out;

Prime Number Solving

Also on Thursday, we used python to see whether one number was divisible by another. Next, we used python to write a program to check whether the number is prime or not. Here's an example of the code.

Here's the outcome of it.

Thursday of Week 4

On Thursday of week 4, we went back to programming a little. We had to use sorting algorithm. Later on we did sorting with our own hands with Mr.Miller. A sort on Python can look like this;

This is a sort that Python already programmed into the computer.