My Robotics Project

This is a picture of our robot that is made out of legos from my computer science class.The robot is powerd by a battery pack that is rechargable. The objective of building the robot was to see if our group could get the robot to stop moving once the touch sensor is touched. The touch sensor is supposed to help the robot know it's suroundings. If it were to run into a wall then it would stop and backup away from the object or wall it has run into.

This is a picture of the coding that our group used to program our robot and tell it where to go. It is what makes the robot move around and get to where it is being told to go to in the room.

This is a picture of the gears that the robot used to move around. They were attached to the brick of the robot which is what controls them and tells the wheels how long to rotate and how far to travel.

The brick is where all of the wires are connected. They connect from the sensors to the brick and depending on which wire is connected to what it communicates to the robot whenever it hits the wall of detects an object in front of it.

In the video above is a demonstration of the robot that my group made out of legos and a motor that helped it move the car around the room (the brick above this). Our group also worked on programming the robot's sensors to follow colored tape that we place on the floor. The sensor detected red, green, and blue (RGB sensor). Whenever the sensor detected one of the three colors it began to move forward and proceed along the tape path. If the robot's sensor lost the tape then it is programmed to turn 180 degrees and look for the tape the robot lost driving. The only problem we had with the robot trying to find the tape was that it did not drive straight and kept losing the line of tape and kept making circles around it. If I could change anything that our group did with the challenge it would be to make sure that each motor for the wheels was distributing the same amount of tire rotation to each side to see if the car would drive any straighter.
Server Project
Robotics Project
Games Project
Programming Project
Troubleshooting Project
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