My TroubleShooting Project

This is the Troubleshooting page for my computer science class in ex
Thursday our class split up into 4-5 students per group and we each got a server to work on. Our objective was to rearrange the server so it wouldn't work and switch servers with another group and each group would have to troubleshoot the server and see if they could get it to functioning properly. Each group was asked required to move around 1 or more components in the computer and if the group could find out what the problem was that then showed that the group was capable of finding the solution to their problem. After the group found out what the problem was they would then arrange everything properly then power up the system to see if they have fixed the correct part of the computer. If the computer and server worked properly then they could return to their computer and disassemble the server from the monitor and put all parts away in the box they were brought into the class.

TroubleShooting Project

Server Project
Robotics Project
Games Project
Programming Project
Troubleshooting Project
AI Project
Electric Circuit Project
3D Graphics Project